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Why We Love Gymnademics (Plus a Giveaway!)

One thing we really missed when we went to Australia was Noah’s Gymnademics classes. He had learnt how to crawl after a few sessions there previously, and really enjoyed being there. (You can read my previous review here.) 

When we came back, starting him on his Gymnademics classes was one of my top priorities, and thankfully, we were able to find a class for him, that didn’t clash with his nap-time.

Noah was initially a little shy at his first session back at Gymnademics, but thankfully, because he was familiar with Teacher Rachel from his previous classes, he warmed up quickly, and was happily participating in all the different activities once the lesson began. The teachers encourage us to bring the children in fifteen minutes before the class officially begins, to ease them slowly into the classroom environment, and I feel that it really helps settle the little ones down.

Playing with one of his teachers before class



Each class follows the same routine, and I never fail to be amazed by how many different things are covered in just an hour. Some parents who haven’t attended the classes before have asked me if the lessons are rushed, but personally, I think that each segment is perfectly timed to keep the children engaged.

Noah is currently in the Pre-fellow class, and let me tell you, he absolutely LOVES being at Gymnademics. When I tell him the night before that we will be going to the gym in the morning, he goes to bed without much protest, and when he wakes up, he asks me repeatedly, “Gym? Gym? Gym?” At home, he “practises” hanging on the trapeze, which is one of his favourite parts of the class, by hanging on to the edge of the dining table, or the side of his learning tower, and proudly declares, “Trapeze.” He has also been very busy practising his jumping, as well as his forward rolls, and I think he has started getting the hang of both now.

On the real trapeze in class


At the beginning of each class, after the usual Welcome song and greetings, the children are asked to match the names of whatever they’ve learnt in the previous class, to the corresponding pictures. I was pleasantly surprised that Noah was generally able to do this, although he does get one or two wrong on occasion. He is also able to complete the simple magnetic board activities, which require him to observe the teacher’s board, then recreate the same scene on his own board.



Flag of Bangladesh


Recreating the flag


Music is integrated seamlessly into the entire lesson, which means that Noah is constantly dancing around, because he loves music. I really enjoy watching him imitate the teachers’ actions, especially when they are dancing, because he watches them so intently, and tries his best to mimic them. He is very used to the routines by now, so he is usually one of the first to go up when it’s time to select a musical instrument, and returns it without any fuss after the segment is over. I’m really quite proud of how independent he is, although it would be nice if more of that independence is shown at home.

Drumming on a tambourine




Getting ready for parachute time


Tapping on the Mystery Box


The teachers during the music segment 





Noah has also been progressing steadily during the circuit practice, as well as the ‘shuttle run’. He is slowly gaining more confidence, and definitely more willing to push himself now, as compared to his first few lessons last year. He participates enthusiastically in all the different segments, even in the gymnastics part, which I thought he wouldn’t enjoy. He really is growing up so quickly!

Circuit Practice



Taking a water break


Picking a fruit for the shuttle run


Teacher Rachel demonstrating how to do the egg roll


Noah doing the egg roll


Gymnademics is honestly more than just a gym class, but one that develops the children in various aspects. The teachers are really enthusiastic and passionate about what they do, and I don’t know how they can conduct so many lessons in a day, and yet be so cheerful and energetic all the time! Teacher Rachel provides me with feedback on Noah’s progress at the end of each lesson, and even gives me suggestions on what I can do at home with him, which to me, is going above and beyond her duties.

I’m really glad that Noah has taken so well to the classes again, and hopefully, he will be able to move up to the next class soon!

PS. The segments listed in this review aren’t in chronological order, as I’ve already done it in my previous review, and I wanted to talk about the different broad aspects of the classes. Also, you might have noticed that Noah is dressed in different outfits in the photos. I took the photos over a few different classes, because Noah moves around so much that I can’t get good photos of him all the time, and C wasn’t able to come and take photos for us this time round.

*We were invited to resume our classes with Gymnademics for a term, for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. 

******* Want to win a free Gymnademics trial class pass for your child? Follow the simple steps in the widget below!

This giveaway is open to Singapore residents only, and will end on Thursday, 28th August 2014, at 2359h.


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