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We’re Five!

C and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday! It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years of marriage already, and eleven years since we first got together. Gosh we’re old. This year is also especially special, simply because we have our little one with us to celebrate the occasion and it was great being able to spend time together that day.

We haven’t gone for a buffet in ages and were looking forward to sampling the Italian fare at Basilico, after reading reviews like this one online. To be honest, C and I aren’t into cheese, so we gave the extensive cheese counter a miss, and pigged out on the other delicious dishes like the Wagyu beef lasagna, cod fish, pizzas, and of course, the desserts. C was also playing with his new camera and different lenses, so I think I’ll let his photos do the talking!

The entrance

Basilico Entrance

The buffet spread 

Buffet Spread

Clockwise from top left: Tiramisu, Cheese, Parma Ham, Focaccia  

Food Collage

Noah with my plate of food 

Noah at Basilico

Should I try the lasagna? 




After a short nap at home, we headed out again to Gardens by the Bay, where C spent some time taking photos of the Supertrees. I never had the patience or skill to take photos properly, so it’s a good thing that C does!

The Bridge 


Supertrees & MBS

Supertrees & MBS



Happy fifth anniversary to us! 🙂 

Happy 5th!

We thank God for being forever in our lives, seeing us through the ups and downs, and of course, for blessing us with Noah. May He continue to shower His blessings upon us and give us many more good years ahead, till we are grandparents or even great-grandparents!

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