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Victor Harbour, The Big Duck Tour, and Strawberry Picking

As the weather in Adelaide is still a little erratic, we checked the weather forecast the week before our parents arrived, and found that the first few days of the week would be cool enough for a few short road trips. We rented a car for the duration of their stay, and on the recommendation of some of our Adelaide friends, we decided to visit Victor Harbour

C did some research, and found that The Big Duck Tours was a good way to see the nearby islands. It’s a 30 minute boat ride, but as there’s a minimum age requirement of 2 years old, Noah and I stayed on the shore while C and our parents went for the tour. I was secretly relieved that I didn’t have to go on the boat, as I get seasick very easily. I mean, I got dizzy in Venice, where the only form of transport is the ferry, so I was pretty sure I wouldn’t enjoy the boat ride at Victor Harbour. The four of them had a lot of fun on the tour, though C said I would probably have puked. Our parents sat at the back of the boat, as they were told that it was less bumpy there, while C sat up front, so that he could take photos properly. They only managed to see some seals on their boat ride, as the dolphins and whales were nowhere to be seen, but from C’s photos, I thought the crashing waves looked magnificent! I’m always amazed by God’s wonderful work.

My parents, clad in the waterproof jackets provided, waiting to go on the boat ride 


Ready to go


Crashing waves 


Spot the seals 


The beach 


While C and our parents were off having fun, Noah and I spent time checking out the horse drawn tram, and got to watch another horse getting its shoes filed. We also brought some bread to feed the seagulls, and Noah had a good time observing the horses and birds.

Horse drawn tram 


Noah and I on the bridge to Granite Island 


It’s a dog’s life… 


Noah watching my dad feed the seagulls 


On our drive to Victor Harbour, we passed a strawberry farm, and decided to stop at it on our way back, to pick some strawberries. We paid $3 per person, and $10 per punnet (1 kg), and loved how sweet the strawberries were.

Strawberries, anyone? 


MIL picking strawberries 


We didn’t manage to go to Granite Island on this trip, because the baby started getting cranky, so maybe we’ll find time to visit it another day. Victor Harbour is really gorgeous, and definitely worth a visit if you’re in Adelaide.

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