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Every month, I tell myself that I will remember to write Noah’s monthly updates on time, and most months, I forget. Sometimes, I am tempted to stop writing these monthly updates, but I remember that I started this blog to chronicle Noah’s growth, and with my increasingly poor memory, I think I will forget all these precious moments if I don’t write them down, so I’m pressing on. 

This month started with Noah getting all dressed up for C’s birthday lunch. He looks so grown up now, doesn’t he?

All dressed up 




He’s also been into asking us for coins to put into his piggy bank, and loves dropping the coins in. C gave him a $10 note that day, but he hasn’t figured out that notes can be put into the piggy bank yet.

With his piggy bank



The recent haze has caused Noah to come down with a perpetual runny nose, and consequently, a phlegmy cough. This means that he doesn’t sleep very well, waking up in the middle of the night to ask for milk, and to sleep with us instead. I tried a few times to convince him to stay in his cot, but he can be really persistent, and once, after I spent more than an hour trying to get him to lie down in his cot again, C told me to just pick him up, and let him sleep with us, because none of us could get any sleep if he went on like that. I guess we’ll just have to get used to having him in our bed again, at least until the haze is gone for good, and he fully recovers from his runny nose and cough.

Sleeping like  a boss on our bed 



I haven’t been letting him feed himself during meal-times, mainly because he needs to be distracted when he eats, and will take forever to finish his food if I don’t feed him. Once in a while, he will ask to “feed (my)self”, so I’ll let him put pre-loaded spoons into his mouth by himself. He can finish a decent amount of food now, but still can’t seem to put on any weight.

Too busy watching a video to even open his mouth


Feeding himself


Noah loves going out, so on less hazy days, I try to bring him down to the park to let him run around a little, and to have some playground time. He asks me daily if the “weather (is) good?” and tells me to “bring umbrella” if I say that we can’t go out due to the rain.



He insisted that the flower was smelly


Loving the outdoors






We also managed to bring him down for a short walk with his lantern on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and for a few days after that, he would ask to bring his lantern and/or penguin balloon down for a walk.

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival


Noah went for his first swim in more than a year, and didn’t quite enjoy it as much as he did before. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do a lot more swimming, now that we are back in Singapore for good, and he will conquer his fear of getting his head wet.



Noah’s love affair with vehicles is as strong as ever, and he spends most of his time pretending to drive. Everything and anything round is seen as a steering wheel, and if he doesn’t have anything round on hand, he just uses his imaginary steering wheel instead.

Driving with a bowl while waiting for dinner


Driving with Auntie J


Driving with cousin Z


Driving his cars while watching the F1


Driving his construction vehicles around during dinner


He has also been getting his “driving fix” when we visit the supermarket. We used to see kids driving around in the car-trolleys there, and Noah would ask to sit in it as well. One day, before we headed out to the supermarket, I told him that we had to pray if he wanted to get the car-trolley, and he quickly clasped his hands together to pray with me. As we were walking to the supermarket, we said another quick prayer, and to my pleasant surprise, one of the car-trolleys was parked next to the regular trolleys. Noah quickly got in, and as we went around the supermarket, he couldn’t stop beaming as he “drove”, and told me many times that he was “so happy”. Amazingly, we have since been able to get the car-trolley on the two other occasions that we visited that particular supermarket, each time after Noah asked me to “pray (for) car, mummy”. I feel silly asking God for such a frivolous thing, but I guess it’s God’s way of showing me the importance of child-like faith. (Sadly, He still hasn’t answered our prayers for another baby.) Noah has taken to asking me to pray for the car-trolley, even when we are at supermarkets which don’t have them, and it’s really tough explaining to him that there are no cars available there.

Super happy boy in the car-trolley





Sometimes, I let him sit in kiddy rides, without putting in any money of course, after getting him to promise that he will get out of them when I ask him to. On good days, he willingly gets out of the kiddy ride when I tell him that it’s time, but there are days when he doesn’t, despite his promises. He tries negotiating for “a while more”, and when I insist that he’s had enough, he gets upset and cries as I carry him out of the ride.

Kiddy ride happiness




He loves his cousin’s imitation Thomas the Engine ride-on, and asks to ride it each time he sees it. At home, he’s really fast on his zebra ride-on, and sometimes, I convert it into a skate-scooter for him. He hasn’t gotten the hang of using skate-scooters yet, and is quite slow on it at the moment.

On Thomas the (fake) Engine


On his zebra skate-scooter


Noah’s other favourite activity is playing peekaboo, and he never seems to tire of it. He says peekaboo even when he’s drinking water from a cup (he can’t see me when he lifts the cup up to drink)!






If you’ve met Noah in person, you’ll know that he’s very active, and always running or jumping around. He has fallen quite a lot, but always picks himself up without a fuss, brushes the dirt off his hands, tells me that he’s “clumsy”, before running off again. However, he got his first big bump on his forehead this month, after jumping and falling right into the edge of a wall. He cried buckets, which was how we knew he was really hurt. Thankfully, the bump has cleared up after I applied Valor on it, and hopefully, he’ll learn to be more careful.

His big bruise


This cheeky boy likes to play dress-up with my necklaces, and says he’s “ready (to) go out now” after he drapes a necklace or two around his neck. He also learnt to say goodbye to the display puppies before we go out.

Boys can play dress-up too!


Kissing the puppies goodbye


He’s been asking to “help” with my shopping recently, and proudly carries the plastic bags that I give him. He tells me that he is “so strong” and “helpful”.

Being “helpful”



Happy 26th month, sweetheart. We love you very much!


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