The twins turned two earlier this month, and I can still hardly believe that our little babies aren’t really babies anymore. They’re talking a lot more these days, and I get quite amused when I hear them chatter away, though it’s not that funny when they quarrel with each other.
We had a combined birthday celebration for them and N with our friends, and you probably can’t tell from the photos, but Meimei was down with a high fever that day. We actually postponed the celebration from Saturday to Sunday, hoping that she would have recovered by then, but she was still sick. The cakes were delivered on Saturday (thank you LaluneCakes!), so we had no choice but to carry on with the party.
All dressed up for the party

So blessed to have so many friends to celebrate with us here in Jakarta


“Open, Mummy, open!”

Their actual birthday fell on a Saturday, and the initial plan was to bring them to an indoor playground, but we decided to head outdoors instead, since there seems to be a lot of viruses around these days. We considered going back to Arthayasa Stables, but finally chose to visit Kuntum Farmfields again, since there are more activities for everyone there.
Excited to be going out

At Kuntum Farmfields

This time round, the twins are old enough to really enjoy themselves, and they had such a great time feeding the various animals. They were both unafraid of all the animals, and extremely enthusiastic about feeding them. It was such a joy watching their faces light up whenever they got to touch the animals, or when the animals ate the food and drank the milk that they offered.
Milk and vegetables for the kids

Rabbits and guinea pigs



We spotted a horse-riding area at the far end of the farm, and since Didi LOVES riding horses, we went to check it out. It was a tad pricey, at IDR30,000 for a short ride around (like about a minute), but Didi cried when we carried him off the horse, so we caved and let all three of them go for another round.
Meimei also surprised us by being brave enough to ride the horse by herself, and she was clearly really pleased with herself too, because she kept telling us, “Meimei ride horse. Meimei no cry.”
Meimei riding the horse on her own!

The boys

Off they go!

Happy trio on horses

We got them two slices of strawberry cake to celebrate their birthday that evening, because what’s a birthday without cake, right? (They complement each other quite well, because Didi loves cake, while Meimei loves strawberries, so they’re usually quite happy to share a slice of cake. ) They’ve recently learnt to sort of blow out the candles, so they were really excited, and Didi blew out both candles before we even started singing. It was quite cute, seeing them so focused on the candles, and being so happy, saying, “Happy day, Didi Meimei!” over and over again.
Happy (birth)day, Didi and Meimei!

Happy birthday, my babies! We love you more than you can ever imagine.