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Staycation at Rasa Sentosa

Earlier this month, we went on yet another one of our “last minute decision” staycations, and by last minute, I mean we booked it at 11pm on Friday night, and checked into the hotel the next afternoon. Yes, it really was a last minute decision, but that’s the way we roll these days, because we don’t dare to plan or book anything in advance. Who knows when the twins will decide to make their appearance, right?

Anyway, we haven’t been on a staycation in Sentosa before, so C booked us into Rasa Sentosa, since we’ve had good experiences with the Shangri-La hotels so far. N was really excited, and kept asking when we were going to the airport, because to him, a holiday includes a plane ride. We had to burst his bubble, and told him that we were going to drive to the hotel instead. He got over his initial disappointment quickly enough when he discovered that there was a lady giving out free ice-cream at the hotel lobby when we were checking in. Haha.

Yay! Free ice-cream!


The hotel was overbooked, so we got a free upgrade to a slightly larger room. We could see the cable cars from our room, but N was more interested in the tv than anything else. *rolls eyes* He had his own bed, and the staff kindly put bed-guards on it, so I didn’t have to worry about him falling off the bed during the night.

Welcome to our room!


Bed-guards to prevent N (and Tiger) from falling


The view from our lift landing


This guy was glued to the tv instead


Whenever we go to a hotel, N will check out the bathroom to see if there’s a bathtub in it, because he loves having bubble baths. We usually indulge him, since we don’t have a bathtub at home, but he only got to go in the bathtub once during this staycation, because there were just so many other things to do!

Bubbles for you?


Rasa Sentosa is very much a family-oriented hotel, with plenty of water slides, and various activity centres for children, including the Mini Toots Club, where N had fun playing at the indoor playground. He refused to even try the water slides though, and preferred using his Puddle Jumper in the large pool with C. They went to the beach as well, but I just stayed in the hotel room to chill and enjoy my me-time, while the boys had some much needed father-son bonding.

The only photo I had of him at the Mini Toots Club


Sentosa has plenty of fun activities, but we didn’t plan on doing much, because the staycation was meant to be a relaxing one. The hotel provides a free shuttle bus to and from Vivocity, so we took advantage of that and headed out for meals. We also checked out Siloso Beach one evening, where C and N chased each other up and down the turf-covered mini hill. The original plan was to go on the Luge, but it was super crowded, and we decided that we would head there again early the next morning, to beat the crowd.



Chilling after running around like crazy


We took the beach tram to get to the Luge, and thankfully, there wasn’t much of a crowd on a Monday morning, despite it being a school holiday. The skyride chairlift looked really scary, and I’m glad I wasn’t the one who had to go on it thrice! It was both C’s and N’s first time on the Luge, and they had SO much fun together, it was probably one of the highlights of this staycation for them.

On the beach tram


I couldn’t even see N next to C!


Such happy faces



Sweaty but happy


I wanted to go to the Mothercare flagship store at Harbourfront after that, so C and N went on the ZooMoov ride outside the store while I shopped. Think it was win-win situation for everyone!

ZooMoov Ride after the Luge


C also took some nice photos of us at the hotel, since I had been bugging him to do a maternity photoshoot, and you can see all the photos in this post. This was my favourite shot of the lot!

I absolutely love this photo of us

Maternity (17 of 24)

N had such a wonderful time at the hotel that he went berserk when we had to check out. It was the first time ever that he threw such a huge tantrum, complete with screams and tears. I was stunned, and I’m guessing that the many hours of tv also contributed to his bad behaviour, but we managed to get him into the car, tears and all. He was so tired out from all that crying that he fell asleep before we even got home. That evening, he told my mum, “I love the hotel, you know. You think if I paid them $50, they’ll let me stay there?” Haha.

I think Rasa Sentosa was a really lovely place for our staycation, or as C called it, our second babymoon this year, since we’re having twins. Heh. Whatever it’s called, I’m just thankful we were able to spend those few days together as a family, just the three of us, since the babies will be arriving really soon! I think the next time we stay in a hotel will be erm, two years later? 😛

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