Noah had his first taste of solids last Wednesday, when he turned six months old. We gave him an extremely diluted version of Nestlé Cerelac Rice Cereal as we had no idea how well he would take to it. I had a little trouble getting the little lumps out of the mixture, and added plenty of breast milk just to get the powder to dissolve completely. To be honest, I don’t even know if the mixture we gave him could even be considered cereal, since it’s consistency was that of my breast milk.
His First Meal

A few people recommended that I try the Heinz Baby Rice Cereal as it is easier to blend, so I decided to feed Noah that on the third day. It was definitely easier to prepare, and after his first taste of it, Noah automatically bent his head towards the spoon for more. I guess he was finally getting used to the idea of eating from a spoon, although his way of eating is basically sucking the spoon furiously, as if he were suckling from a bottle.
Enjoying his Cereal

After five days of rice cereal, we moved on to potatoes. That was a lot trickier as I couldn’t cut the potato way in advance, in case it turned brown. All the preparation had to be done just before I fed him, so it was good that C was working from home and able to watch Noah while I got the potato purée ready. I used the Philips Avent Steamer Blender, and it was really easy and idiot proof. The purée was nice and evenly smooth, without any lumps at all, after just a few quick seconds of blending. I scooped up a small portion for Noah, before putting the rest into an ice tray.

I asked C to feed Noah this time round, just so that he could have the experience of feeding Noah something new, and I think he had fun doing so. We gave Noah more than the PD-recommended half teaspoon as he seemed like he wanted more.
Daddy Feeding Noah

I don’t know why, but I was very pleased with my frozen cubes of potato purée, so here’s a photo of them packed in a ziplock bag. They’re irregularly shaped because I couldn’t be bothered didn’t have time to smooth them out before freezing them, but who cares, right?

I defrosted one for Noah in the morning but he simply refused to have any. I also tried giving him water in the Mag Mag cup which we got as a gift, but it kept leaking, so it was back to little teaspoonfuls of water again. I decided to try giving him another cube of the potato purée in the afternoon and he ate most of it, with plenty of plain water in between.
I’m really looking forward to letting him try more types of food. Hopefully, he’ll be a foodie just like his parents! 🙂
PS. Did you know that you can request for a bag of samples from Nestle by signing up for their Baby Club? When your baby turns six months old, they will contact you for your preferred type of milk powder, then call you to arrange for a suitable date for delivery. The cooler bag comes with a small tin of milk powder, a few sample packs of Nestle Cerelac, a jar of Gerber puree, as well as a bottle of Gerber Graduate Puffs. I love freebies!