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Silly Things We Say / Do #3


This happened long ago but is too funny not to share! I’ve told this tale to many of our friends, but no harm telling it again here right? It’s a story that I plan to share with Noah when he’s older too, so writing about it here will definitely serve as a reminder next time.

After Noah’s jaundice had more or less cleared up within his first month, we decided to switch paediatricians, mainly because the one at TMC was terribly crowded and each time we were there for Noah’s checkup, we spent more time waiting to see the doctor than actually seeing her. The parking was also a nightmare and we figured that we would be better off somewhere else.

At his first appointment with Dr Tay, we had to fill up the patient registration card and since I was carrying Noah, C was tasked to do the paperwork. Noah had just turned a month old and I assumed that C would have no trouble with all the forms and cards. I guess it’s true that when you assume, you make an ass out of ‘u’ and ‘me’!

When I called the clinic later that month to inquire about Noah’s next appointment, I was surprised to hear that there was no such patient registered at the clinic. There was a Noel, but no Noah. Yes, my brilliant husband, MBA and all, had spelt his own son’s name wrongly.

C denied that he had made the mistake, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps his handwriting was too messy and the nurse was the one who made the mistake. We checked the card on our next visit and there, printed clearly in C’s handwriting, was Noel Tan. No cursive handwriting or illegible scrawl to blame it on. He tried convincing me that I was the one who filled in the card and insisted that it wasn’t his handwriting, before claiming to have been having a conversation with his friend, Noel, just before that. Excuses, excuses.

So there you have it. My husband couldn’t even get his own son’s name right. Tsk tsk. Good thing I pre-printed Noah’s full name out for C to register his birth at the hospital, or Noah might have a totally different name now.

Evidence of his mistake 


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