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Review: Kids@Work Jakarta



When we were in Singapore, I really wanted to bring N to check out Diggersite, as I thought it would be something he would like. I mean, you can’t really go wrong with construction vehicles when it comes to little boys, right? But every time I thought about going, it would be either too hot or raining, and I knew C would get really cranky if we had to queue for ages in bad weather conditions. (Actually, I doubt he would queue even if the weather was good, but that’s a story for another day.)

One of the ladies in my ‘SG/MY Ladies in Jkt’ whatsapp group told us about the newly opened Kids@Work at Gandaria City, so I convinced C to bring N there one weekend. We arrived just before noon, I think, and the crowd hadn’t come in yet, so N could enter immediately and start playing. You should have seen the look on his face!

Kids@Work Jakarta

I was secretly pleased that we visited Kids@Work when it was newly opened, because I figured that the equipment would be in better working condition, but what made me really happy was that it’s in a shopping centre, which means… AIRCON. Yes, you don’t have to suffer in the sweltering heat, nor get drenched in the rain, while watching your child pretend to be a construction worker. Maybe that would be more realistic, but it’s okay, comfort comes first for me.

They didn’t have a vest small enough for N, so he was swimming in the oversized vest, but he didn’t mind, and couldn’t wait to get started. He was too short (and weak) to handle the gearsticks on his own, so the staff there had to help him. After a while, C figured it would be easier if he joined N on it, and they tried out two of the four excavators there, as the gearsticks were positioned differently on them. We paid for three rides, thinking we could let N try each of the stations once, but he wanted to do all three rides at the excavator station. It seemed like the easiest ride anyway, so perhaps that was a good thing.

There was a bonus gondola station, but don’t worry, the gondola doesn’t actually move. Kids get to spray water on the glass windows, then use a squeegee to clean it off. N really liked this station, and spent ages playing there, which I thought was better than him trying to “help” clean the windows at home.

In the oversized vest

On the excavator

With Daddy

All in all, I think Kids@Work is fun for kids aged 3 and above. If your child is relatively short, be prepared to accompany him/her on the rides. He/She will also require quite a bit of strength to operate the gearsticks, so I personally think that those aged 6 and above would probably be able to go unaccompanied, while younger ones will need help.

Kids@Work had a ‘Grand Opening’ promotion when we were there, and the rides were a tad cheaper than those at Diggersite. We’ve walked past it again recently, and I think they have regular promotions, which explains the long line of kids waiting to enter. (Tip: Go early, like around 1130am, to beat the crowd.) I tried checking their website, Facebook page, and Instagram account for their current promotion, but couldn’t find any information on that. Guess they still need to work on updating their social media pages more regularly.

The promotion when we visited

Have fun!

KIDS AT WORK Gandaria City 2nd floor, Lot 206, opposite Cinema XXI Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12240 Tel: (021) 2900 7805 Facebook: Instagram: @kidsatworkjakarta



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