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Review and Giveaway: EuroAuto Lounge Car Interior Sanitisation

Do you and/or your children eat in the car? I know there are some very diligent folks who enforce the ‘No Eating in the Car’ rule strictly, but for us, that rule doesn’t apply at all. Noah is a fussy eater, so if he asks for food, we willingly give it to him. Somehow, he is always hungry after school, so I give him a small snack of bread, biscuits, or yogurt drops, to keep him occupied while I drive. We also have breakfast in the car, as we drive C to work in the mornings (read about our typical day HERE).

With all that eating in the car, I knew it would be just a matter of time before we spotted our first insect. It didn’t help that Noah dropped plenty of crumbs, and sometimes he would accidentally crush entire biscuits in his car seat, when he dropped and sat on them. What really drove me nuts was his sneezing. I know sneezing is something that cannot be controlled, but come on, does his mouth have to be full of food whenever he sneezes? The food flies all over the front seat, and even lands on C’s clothes, because he is in the driver’s seat, and a perfect target for Noah’s sneezes. Ewwwwwwww.

I’ve tried the age-old tradition of putting pandan leaves in the car to chase all the cockroaches away, but alas, they didn’t work for us, as I spotted a small insect scuttling around on the car’s floor mat, right next to the pandan leaves. I sent the car for vacuuming at the petrol station, and saw another little creepy-crawly exploring Noah’s car seat a few hours after that. Even though I managed to kill those two that I saw, I figured they probably had more friends hiding in our car, since it was unlikely that they were lone rangers. I declared the car a no-eating zone, and my nerves were almost completely fried by the non-stop “I’m hungry, Mummy. I want to eat something, Mummy.” whining throughout our twenty-minute drive.

When Felix of EuroAuto Lounge contacted me to try out their Interior Sanitisation with Anti Pest Fumigation (2-Stage Interior Fumigate) service, I figured it was a good time to try and rid our car of all its unwanted passengers. He also offered to do an Exterior Polish Paint Correction (3-Stage Exterior Glow) for us, so both services took almost the entire day to be completed.

Before I handed over the car, he checked the car for various scratches and dents in my presence, and explained the process to me. There were many different products to be used, and he emphasised the importance of using good quality products for both the interior sanitisation and exterior treatment. He even showed me the ISO and SGH certificates for the products!

I lugged Noah along with me to drop off the car at their Jalan Tua Kong shop, as I had to bring him to school after that. Noah was thrilled to see the race car setup in the EuroAuto Lounge showroom, and happily sat there pretending to drive, while I went to watch the fumigation process. (For health and safety reasons, children are not allowed to watch the fumigation process, while adults present had to don face masks.) Once the Fumigation Fogging process was done, the car was left with its doors closed for a while, so that the interior fogging could be done thoroughly. I had to leave shortly after that, but Felix promised to send me updates, and a few hours later, he sent me photos of the insects that came crawling out of our car. *shudder*

I think his dream is to be a race car driver


Our car being fumigated


The wheels were getting cleaned too


Meet Tom, Dick, and Harry


Say bye to our unwanted passengers!


When we returned at 6pm to collect the car, it was still being worked on, and the ProMed (professional commercial ozone generator) was doing its work in the car. It was responsible for getting our car’s interior smelling all clean again, and it did such a great job, our car smelled good for a few days! The staff was also diligently polishing the interior and exterior of the car, so much so that C hardly recognised it when we went to pick him up after that. We both agreed that the car looked like a brand-new car: the exterior was somehow a lot smoother to the touch, and so glossy that you could sort of see your own reflection in it. We honestly haven’t been maintaining our car very well, and it shows in the condition of the seats especially, but EuroAuto Lounge treated the car’s interior with a range of Koch-Chemie products, making the dashboard and seats look pristine and less erm, well-seasoned.

The ProMed and Interior Sanitisation Products


Products used for the Exterior Polish Paint Correction

Products - Exterior Polish Paint Correction

Doesn’t it look spiffier now?




For those of you who like knowing exactly what was done to your car, rest assured that Felix will take pains to explain all that you want to know. Here’s our list:

1) Exterior Quick Detailing (Premium Shine Program) – KochChemie NanoShampoo – KochChemie RimCleaner – Claybar Surface to Remove Dirt Particles – Cleanse and Rinse Vehicle Surface with Water – Dry with Chamosis – Access Paint Coat Surface – Compound – Polish Paint Correction (Achieve up to 90% Paint Correction) – Paint Coat Surface Cleanup – Apply 2 Layers of Jet NanoTech Coating – KochChemie Waxing Door Stills – Touch Up on Rims – Touch Up on Jet NanoTech Coating Residues on Surface – Ensure No Holograms – Clean Up All Window Glass – Explanation of Remains of Swirl Marks/Imperfections/Scratch Marks/Bird Poo Stains (Products used are ISO certified)

2) Full Sanitization with Anti Pest Fumigation Services (2-Stage Interior Fumigate) – Clear all items in the vehicle – Benticide Anti Pest Fumigation – Check Interior for Pests/Cocoon – Check Car Boot for Pests/Cocoon – Check Engine Bay for Pests/Cocoon – In-depth Jet Vacuum – KochChemie Multi Interior Cleaner – KochChemie Cockpit Care – KochChemie Top Star Leather Conditioning – Wonderkleen – ProMed Ozonic Sanitization (Products used are ISO and SGH certified)

C and I were both very pleased with how good and clean the car looked after the treatments. The interior sanitisation is definitely something that we really care about, since Noah drops food in the car all the time, and we don’t particularly like the idea of seeing insects crawling around in our car. If you’ve got kids who eat in the car, I strongly recommend that you send your car for the interior sanitisation, for your own peace of mind. I know we’ll be doing that, now that we’ve aware of this service.

PS. The only issue I had was that I had to drop off and pick up my car personally, which was tough because I had a rather tight schedule to keep. First world problems, I know. When I mentioned it to Felix later, he informed me that they can pick up and/or return the car, for an additional fee of $50 per one-way trip. However, he generously offered to give our readers a discount, and will charge $60 for the two-way service. He did say that for first-timers, it would be best if you went down to the showroom personally for both the drop-off and collection of the car, so that he can better understand your expectations, as well as explain the treatment(s) done, so do take note of that.

EuroAuto Lounge Pte Ltd Address: 51 Jalan Tua Kong Singapore 457250 Tel: 9837 5603 Email: Website:

Disclaimer: We received a free Exterior Polish Paint Correction (3-Stage Exterior Glow) and Interior Sanitisation with Anti Pest Fumigation services (2-Stage Interior Fumigate) for the purpose of this review. All opinions are, as always, our own.


Want to send your car for a thorough interior sanitisation? EuroAuto Lounge is offering a $100 discount off their usual price of $228* for a single trial session, so you’ll only have to pay $128* to rid your car of whatever creepy-crawlies living in it. They’ve kindly extended this trial period till 30 September 2015 for readers of Growing with the Tans, so don’t forget to quote ‘Growing with the Tans’ when you book your appointment with them. Also, if you require them to pick up and/or send your car back to you, you’ll only need to pay $60 nett for this special service (usual price $100). Again, make sure you quote ‘Growing with the Tans’ for this special rate!

*Additional surcharge of $50 for MPV/SUV/Flagship Luxury Sedans applies.





EuroAuto Lounge is giving away ONE Car Interior Sanitisation with Anti Pest Fumigation session to a lucky reader of Growing with the Tans. To participate, simply complete the Rafflecopter widget below. Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway will end on Monday, 27th July 2015, at 2359h, and is open to Singapore residents only. The winner will be contacted via the particulars provided when entering this giveaway, and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be selected. All incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all entries will be verified before the winner is announced. To be fair to our sponsor, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (accounts set up purely to take part in contests, with no or very few real friends), will be disqualified.


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