Hello! For those of you who’ve been following this blog for some time, have you noticed anything different?
If you’re reading this on your mobile device, I’m sure you would have noticed that my site is now mobile responsive, which means you can see the same pretty design that you’ll see on your laptop!
I’ve been meaning to change the look of this blog for a really long time, and after I worked on the Writing Process Blog Hop, I decided that I had procrastinated enough, and engaged Patricia of Fancy Girl Designs to help me out. (Okay, to be completely honest, being shortlisted as one of the top ten finalists in the Singapore Blog Awards was also a huge motivation to improve this blog’s look.)
This was the “old look”.

Can I just say that I LOVE the new design?

I asked Patricia to illustrate the header, and asked for a tree with a swing, and perhaps some toy trucks for Noah, and this is what she came up with. I love that she made us parents look a lot slimmer than we are in reality, and how pretty the entire layout is now. In my last ladies’ group meeting in Adelaide, one of the ladies told me after prayer that she saw a tree for me, and I thought it was really apt, because we’ve been praying for another child, and the image of the tree is often associated with life. Thus, I asked for the tree to be incorporated into this blog’s header (and if you look closely, the favicon is also a tree!), and I also believe that the tree symbolises growth, tying in nicely with ‘Growing with the Tans’. Can you tell that I used to be a Literature teacher? 😉
I’ve also tried to tidy up the sidebar, and shifted most of the items in my old sidebar to the footer instead, because C keeps telling me that it was too messy. I finally managed to add my Instagram feed to my blog, something which I’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t been able to do so, because my previous theme didn’t allow it for some reason.
Next on the agenda would be to tidy up the categories, which I foresee, will take ages to complete, because I can’t outsource that.
On a separate but not completely un-related note, I have finally resigned from my workplace, after being on No-Pay Leave for a really long time. It’s a little scary, knowing that I don’t have a job waiting for me, if and when I decide to go back to work, but for now, I’m more than happy to stay home with Noah, and to teach one child, instead of hundreds. We do want more children, and we pray that God will bless us with more, and that the tree in this blog’s header signifies growth in our family too.
This is not a sponsored post. I’m just so impressed with Patricia that I had to share it with everyone! Check out her website if you’re looking for someone to work on your blog, website, or graphic designs.
PS. I’ve been shortlisted as one of the ten finalists in this year’s Singapore Blog Awards, and would really appreciate it if you could take some time to vote for me at the Singapore Blog Awards website. You can vote once daily, until 3pm on 31st July 2014. Thanks!
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