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Mother’s Day 2015

My Mother’s Day celebrations started on Friday this year, when I picked Noah up from school. He was all excited, and kept saying, “I got something in my bag for you!”. He pulled it out of his bag while I was driving him home, and was so proud of his craft, especially when I made a big fuss over it. He told me all about how he had picked the flowers (from his teacher’s stash), and pasted them on the plastic sheet, before his 老师 helped him to write his name on it. Such a simple craft, made priceless by the fact that he made it.

I think this is the first year that Noah actually made something for me, and I didn’t even have to help him with it! Last year, we were in Adelaide, and C bought me a Kindle as a gift, so that was a pretty good gift too, in my opinion. 🙂

My first Mother’s Day gift from Noah



Took me forever to get this photo of us posing with the craft!


On Saturday, we were invited by Fox Kids & Baby to participate in the Mother’s Day Block Printing Workshop, and we had a fun time working on my tote bag together. Noah was raring to go when we arrived, but quickly lost steam when he realised that mummy was a control freak who didn’t allow him to stamp the blocks anywhere he wanted. In my defence, I wanted the bag to look nice, while Noah just wanted to get ink everywhere, and didn’t care if the prints appeared nicely at all. I did let him choose the stamps and colours, so technically, he made the tote bag for me, right?

Working on the tote bag


Fox Stamping Workshop

The final product


Posing with the bag



Giving mummy a big kiss!


We celebrated Mother’s Day with my parents on Saturday evening, with a simple dinner out. Again, we didn’t take any photos, because we were too busy eating and trying to keep Noah out of mischief! Luckily, I remembered to take some photos after the dinner, so C took some nice shots of us.

Noah with grandma and mummy


Noah with his grandparents


My family (minus C, who was the photographer)


Mother’s Day itself didn’t start off very well, with Noah waking me up multiple times at night, asking me to pat him. He came down with a blocked/runny nose, a slight cough, and lots of eye gunk, so it was no wonder he couldn’t sleep well. Part and parcel of being a mum, right? My parents were really sweet, and brought us breakfast, so we had a nice, relaxing morning, before heading to church. Noah made a flower for me at Sunday School, and the older kids presented all mothers with a carnation during the service.

Waiting for service to begin


Happy Mother’s Day!


After our nap, (yes, all three of us took a nap), we went to the nearby stadium for a run together, and I think that was the best part of my Mother’s Day weekend. Noah was in a good mood, running enthusiastically around the track most of the time, screaming away when we chased him. Of course, he asked to sit down and rest after a while, because he was too tired, and even refused to smile when I took photos of him, because he was “too tired to smile”. This boy is really becoming a threenager, I tell you.

Taking a break



Looking for daddy, who was still jogging around the track


We headed to my godma’s place for a simple Mother’s Day dinner, and had a really yummy durian cake. It’s been a while since I last had a durian cake, so this was a real treat. My eldest godsis is usually the one in charge of all our celebrations, and we never fail to have plenty of leftovers after each meal together. The kids had a good time playing together, though Noah had to go for a short time-out after he threw a toy car at the sofa for fun. Sigh. A mama’s gotta do what a mama’s gotta do, so that her child doesn’t become a spoilt brat, right?

Pretty durian cake


All the mums!


Truth be told, it was pretty much a normal weekend, albeit with more food, but I’m happy that we got to spend time as a family, because that’s what really matters, doesn’t it? Happy belated Mother’s Day to all mums and mums-to-be, and may our children all grow up healthy and happy.


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