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Mother’s Day 2014


A few days before Mother’s Day, I “casually” asked C, “What are we doing on Sunday?” When he told me that he had nothing planned, I reminded him that it was Mother’s Day, and was met with an “Errr, okay.”

To be honest, I didn’t expect anything at all, and just wanted to see if he would panic, but he obviously knew that I didn’t actually care if we celebrated Mother’s Day. I guess it’s because Noah is still too young to know what Mother’s Day is, so let’s see what happens next year.

Noah too, apparently didn’t think that Mother’s Day was a big deal, because he decided to play with his toy cars, way past midnight, and didn’t give me the gift of sleep.

All dressed for bed, but who needs sleep when you can play with cars?


Lunch at our favourite food court, where Noah refused to eat most of his meal, so it really was like any other ordinary day. Over lunch, however, C and I started talking about getting ourselves a Kindle, because we both had so many books that we wanted to read, but can’t afford to lug them around in our suitcases. We found out that Dick Smith and Big W carried the Kindle in Adelaide, so we visited the Dick Smith in Rundle Mall after lunch, played around with the display model for a while, and C decided to get the Kindle Paperwhite

“for Mother’s Day”. For the record, he bought the first ebook on the Kindle, and has spent more time on it than I have.

Our new toy! 


I also made C take a photo of Noah and I with this Mother’s Day flower display at Rundle Mall, mainly because I wanted to participate in the Instagram contest, and hopefully, win $1000!


We tried teaching Noah to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to my mum over Skype, but he changed it to ‘Happy Grandma’s Day’ by himself. Haha. Hopefully, that made up for us not being in Singapore to celebrate the day with her!

Was my Mother’s Day this year special? Not if you take into consideration me losing my temper at Noah for refusing to eat both his lunch and dinner, and throwing a tantrum because he wanted milk instead. He wasn’t on his best behaviour, didn’t give me any handmade craft (throwing leaves on the floor doesn’t count, right?) and was completely unaware that it was supposed to be a special day. BUT, it was like every other ordinary day, of us being a family, and me being a mum, so yes, it was a special day, because I got to be a mother.

Happy (belated) Mother’s Day, to all mothers and mothers-to-be!

PS. I read this open letter to pastors from a non-Mom, and thought it was a good read, so I’m sharing it here too, for all the ladies who fall into the different categories listed in the letter.


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