[Media Invite]
The twins have never been to the Singapore Zoo, so when Kellogg’s invited us to their Family Day Out at the Zoo and to celebrate their adoption of the Primate Kingdom, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to bring them there.
We got jio-ed!

We met the Kellogg’s mascots at the entrance, and both N and Meimei were excited about high-fiving them and taking photos with them, but Didi freaked out and refused to even go near them.

We then took a leisurely walk to Ah Meng Restaurant for the highlight of our zoo visit: breakfast with orangutans! What a treat it was, and the twins kept going, “Ooh ooh ah ah!” when they saw the orangutans. (Also, if you look closely, all of us were dressed in the Muji Orangutan tees, so there was a lot of “ooh ooh ah ah” going on that day.)
All three kids are huge fans of Kellogg’s cornflakes, and N was really pleased to see the Kellogg’s cereal station right at the entrance of the restaurant. He immediately helped himself to a huge bowl of cornflakes, while I got a bowl each for the twins.
Kellogg’s Cereal Station with four popular options

I thought most kids would prefer the Coco Pops and Cornflakes, but I was surprised to see so many kids making a beeline for the Froot Loops. I saw the staff refilling the Froot Loops dispenser, but when I went to take a photo of the cereal station, it was empty again!
Kids love Froot Loops!

We love cornflakes!

Apart from the Kellogg’s cereal station, there was quite a good spread at the buffet. My parents and I really enjoyed the vegetarian fried beehoon, and N liked the waffles too. The eggs were done in a variety of styles, and we tried both the omelette and sunny side up. Yum!
Our fav beehoon

Part of the spread

Plenty of seats for everyone

While we ate, the zookeepers brought some orangutans to the far end of the restaurant for the photo-taking session. What I liked was how he gave a short but very informative talk on orangutans, though I missed out on some of the facts because I was too busy eating, erm I mean, feeding my kids.
Another zookeeper brought an albino ball python, and we all got to touch it after our photo session with the orangutans. The twins were quite curious about the python, and bravely stroked it a couple of times.
My monkeys with the orangutans

Touching the python

After breakfast, we headed to the Kellogg’s booth for more fun. The kids got a tattoo each, and they’ve been telling me a few times a day about how they got their tattoos. “Didi. Tattoo. Bird. Auntie.” (Translation: Didi has a bird tattoo from Auntie.) “Meimei. Ooh ooh ah ah! Auntie.” (Translation: Meimei has a monkey tattoo from Auntie.)
N tried out the two games available: cup-stacking and spot the difference. The staff manning the cup-stacking game was really kind, and changed the rules slightly for N, so that he could win a prize. However, N wasn’t able to spot the differences fast enough in the other game, and was disappointed about that. Oh well, he has to learn that he can’t always win, and that he has to try harder, doesn’t he?
Cup-stacking game

Can you spot the five differences within a minute?

There were also some ladies giving out free samples of some Kellogg’s cereals, and I thought that the kids wouldn’t want any, since we had just finished our breakfast, but they each wanted a cup of cornflakes again! In fact, they took a cup of cornflakes each time we passed the booth that day, and kept wanting more. Looks like I’ll have to stock up on cornflakes!
Free cereal for you?

Thanks for inviting us, Kellogg’s!

Apart from the orangutans, we also checked out the baboons, which looked a lot more aggressive than the orangutans. Meimei didn’t seem to think so, because she got really upset when we left the baboons’ exhibit.

We were really tired from all that walking, so we took a tram ride round the zoo to see some of the animals. N specifically asked to see the Komodo dragons, because he learnt about them in Jakarta this year, so we made a special trip to that section of the zoo. We also went to see the white tiger, but unfortunately, we couldn’t see him at all in his enclosure. I was impressed by the new RepTopia, and the children all enjoyed walking through the Fragile Forest. We all loved watching the two-toed sloth make its way slowly down to eat the fruits, and were excited to see the bats swooping around.
Komodo dragon sighted!

Two-toed sloth


In RepTopia

The kids were disappointed when we left the zoo, as they really wanted to see more animals, but the adults were all exhausted. Good thing we got plenty of goodies from Kellogg’s to bribe them. I mean, look at how happy Didi was!
So many goodies!

Happy Didi

All three LOVED the Kellogg’s Cornflake Clusters, and couldn’t stop eating them once I opened the tin. Thank goodness they included the recipe, and it looks simple enough, so I’ll try to make some for them when we are back in Jakarta. Yummy!
Kellogg’s Cornflake Clusters


We had a truly wonderful time at the zoo, all thanks to Kellogg’s, and will definitely be back again soon. Hopefully, C will get to join us the next time, since he went back to work and missed this round. I think we will have to spend more time at the Primate Kingdom, since the twins really love watching the monkeys!