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Homeschooling Fun: DIY Light Box

I’ve been thinking of making a light box for Noah ever since a friend told me about them, but the ones I’ve seen online all seemed rather difficult to make. I also wasn’t sure what I’d use the light box for, and shelved the idea until recently, when I saw a Dayre mum (thanks, Choopeechu!) making one for her son, who’s around Noah’s age too. She got almost all her materials from Daiso, and I quickly headed to Daiso the next day to get them as well.

It’s actually really, really easy, and I made it in less than 10 minutes. Here’s what you’ll need:

Materials Needed Clear plastic container with cover (I got the 19cm x 32cm x 10.5cm one) Baking paper (I used the Glad Bake one in the end, instead of the greaseproof paper in the photo below) 2 LED lights (4 bulbs each) 6 AAA batteries Blu-tack Scissors


Instructions 1. Put batteries into LED lights, and use blu-tack to attach them inside the plastic container.


2. Cut a sheet of baking paper that is slightly larger than the opening of the container, place it on top, and use the cover to hold it in place.

The greaseproof paper wasn’t as translucent as I wanted it to be


Baking paper worked better


Ta-dah! Super easy and cheap DIY light box done!

I got some marble accents (I called them half-marbles / glass beads, and the man laughed at me) from Art Friend ($4.85 for 100 pieces) and used a permanent marker to write letters on them, so that Noah could use them on the light box.

Lights on


Lights off


Noah was more interested in playing with the LED lights initially, then asked me to form words for him using the marble accents. That was a little tough, as I only had two of each letter (one uppercase, and one lowercase). I did manage to make his name, and ‘mum’ though! After that, he took his cars to drive around the marble accents, and that was it. Hopefully, when I get more learning materials for him to use on the light box, he will be more enthusiastic about playing with it.

Playing with the LED lights


Forming words with the letters


Driving around on the light box



For more ideas on what you can do with a light box, check out this post.


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