As it was our friends’ first visit to Bangkok, we brought them to Chatuchak on Saturday morning, because you can’t say that you’ve been to Bangkok unless you’ve been to Chatuchak, right? We took the BTS train to Mo Chit Station, and just followed the crowd to walk to Chatuchak.
The boys were excited about buying the tickets for the train (because they don’t get to take the train in JKT), and I took the opportunity to teach them how to check the map for the different train stations, and to count the number of stops in between.
Which station are we at?

Trying to read the names of the train stations

How tall are we?

The dads buying the tickets

Chatuchak was just the way we remembered it to be: super crowded and hot. Although it rained a little while we were there, it was still really humid, and the boys complained so much about the heat that we bought small handheld fans. N insisted on getting the Minion one, but insisted on using our green one instead, because it was more powerful. *rolls eyes*
Our rechargeable mini fans

We didn’t shop that much there, because the kids whined about the heat and crowd, but we did go back to the wantan mee shop for lunch. (I wrote about it in this post about Chatuchak previously.) N was so exhausted by then that he fell asleep before the noodles were served. I somehow managed to feed both babies their porridge while seated in that super narrow shop, so I was really proud of myself. We had some mango and coconut ice-cream after lunch, but didn’t manage to take photos coz the boys ate their dessert super fast.

After lunch, I made a quick stop at the shop selling enamel cups and tiffin carriers, just so we could get matching cups for ourselves and the twins. I think that was the highlight of my shopping experience there, and if you like such knick-knacks, instructions on how to get to that shop can be found in this post.
Matching enamel cups (the large bowls on the left weren’t from Chatuchak)

We bought some small items such as clothes, hand towels, and handphone accessories, but there was soooo much more to see and buy. It was tough shopping with young children, so we didn’t cover much of the market, and headed back to our hotel to rest after lunch. If the boys were older, we might have suggested getting some foot reflexology done at one of the many little massage shops in Chatuchak, but oh well. Maybe in a few years’ time, huh?
Our shopping loot

If you’re planning on going to Chatuchak with young children, make sure you have super low expectations, and be prepared to buy little trinkets/drinks/snacks to keep them happy. Have fun!