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Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!


Things have been extremely quiet on this blog recently, because Noah’s school holidays began, and I’ve been kept very busy by him. I no longer have me-time to blog, and when he’s finally asleep at night, all I want to do is veg out and read or watch my favourite Korean shows (Running Man and The Return of Superman, if anyone is interested).

Every month, I tell myself that I should do a monthly round-up on this blog, so that I can keep track of our activities, but I’ve been extremely tardy with that. I’ve got quite a few months to catch up on, and I don’t even know if I will ever get down to writing those posts, but I shall TRY to be more diligent with these monthly posts in 2016. TRY.

C recently introduced two brain training apps to me (and he also bought me a new iPad, YAY!) so I’ve been working on the two apps daily too. We both have, actually, and compare our scores regularly, because we are competitive like that. It’s important to keep learning and developing ourselves, so one of my goals for 2016 is to keep using these two brain training apps, and to improve on my scores. We purchased the annual training packages for both apps, so that we can have access to all the games, and some are so fun that I keep replaying them if I don’t do well enough the first time round.

If you’re keen, Lumosity is more all-rounded, covering Memory, Attention, Speed, Flexibility, and Problem Solving, while Elevate works on Language and Math skills in general. There’s also Lumosity for Kids, which C has downloaded for Noah to play, but I haven’t been keeping track of Noah’s progress on that, since it’s installed on C’s iPad.


Lumosity App


Elevate App

C has been on leave for the past week, so we’ve been spending plenty of time together as a family. I think Noah really enjoys being with both of us so much, because he wakes up every morning and asks if C has to go to work. We’ve visited the water play area at Kallang Wave Mall, the zoo, as well as the National Gallery of Singapore, and I suspect Noah will have a tough time adjusting to C going back to work on Monday. Noah starts school on Tuesday, and I admit that I’m looking forward to having a bit of me-time again. Such a difference from when he first started school at the beginning of 2015! I still do miss having him around, but it is nice to have lunch with my friends, or do a bit of shopping, without having to lug Noah around with me (and constantly say, “Don’t touch that!”).

Happiness at the Kallang Wave Mall Water Play Area



Out at the zoo




C was the coolie that day


Satisfied customers


At the National Gallery of Singapore






We spent the last day of 2015 having a dinner gathering with our church friends. The kids were all old enough to entertain themselves, so the adults could relax and chat, which was excellent, in my opinion. We haven’t had a gathering like that in ages, and it was great that we were able to catch up with each other.

The Kids


Goodbye 2015!


Thank you for being a part of our lives via this blog, and have a great 2016, everyone!


If you’ve enjoyed reading this post, do like my Facebook page to get updates. You can also follow me on Twitter (@GrowingwtheTans), Instagram (@GrowingwiththeTans), and Dayre (@GrowingwiththeTans), for short updates on what’s going on in our lives. Thank you! 🙂



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