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Friday Flips #47: Lolly’s Secret (Plus Giveaway!)

As a preschooler, Noah doesn’t get any pocket money, though he likes asking us (and his grandparents) for money, so that he can put them into his huge piggy bank that C’s friend got for him a long time ago. We’re trying to teach him how to identify the different coins and notes, and to be aware of their value, but he doesn’t quite get it yet. He does know that he needs money to buy something, and when I ask him if he has any money, he always says, “No, but Daddy has money!” (I often tell him that mummy doesn’t have any money because mummy stays at home to look after him, so he has figured out that Daddy is the one who earns the moo-lah!)

‘Lolly’s Secret’ is about a little pig, Lolly, who loves lollipops, and ultimately learns the value of saving to buy what her heart desires: the Super-Duper Lollipopper. I liked how she spent her money buying something frivolous daily, in the hope that it would help her forget about the Super-Duper Lollipopper, because let’s face it, we’ve all done that before, haven’t we? Anyway, she chances upon a magical piggy bank that doubles her savings (where can I get one of those?), and manages to save enough money to buy the Super-Duper Lollipopper.

When Angela approached me to review ‘Lolly’s Secret’ some time back, I was a little apprehensive, as I thought that Noah was below the target age group. To my surprise, he really enjoyed the book when I first read it to him, even though it’s quite wordy, and I think it’s because the text is simple enough for him to understand (and maybe because he likes lollipops too). My only problem is that whenever we read this book, Noah would ask me to get him the same piggy bank as Lolly’s, because it can give him extra coins!

Lolly’s Secret






Just recently, Noah was so inspired after reading ‘Lolly’s Secret’ that he decided to draw his own Super-Duper Lollipopper, and I think it was quite nice!

Noah drawing his own Super-Duper Lollipopper



Tiger admiring the Super-Duper Lollipopper


I think it’s never too early to start talking to children about financial literacy, and this book will definitely be on our bookshelf for a long time, since I’ll probably need to remind Noah about the virtue of saving when he goes to primary school. I can already imagine him spending all his money on snacks and drinks in the school canteen!

Happy reading!

Buy the Book Lolly’s Secret is available at Kinokuniya and MPH

Check out the previous Friday Flips posts HERE. I’ve also created a photo album on Facebook with some other good reads, and will be updating it whenever I come across more books that we enjoy. Do pop by for a look HERE.

Disclaimer: We received a copy of Lolly’s Secret for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are, as always, our own.

PS. I just noticed that the illustrator of Lolly’s Secret is the author and illustrator of The Amazing Sarong, which we reviewed recently in this post!



We have two copies of ‘Lolly’s Secret‘ to be given to two lucky readers of Growing with the Tans! To participate, please complete the Rafflecopter widget below. Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway will end on Friday, 25th March 2016, at 2359h, and is open to Singapore residents only. Winners will be contacted via the particulars provided when entering this giveaway, and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be selected. All incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all entries will be verified before the winner is announced. To be fair to our sponsor, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (accounts set up purely to take part in contests, with no or very few real friends), will be disqualified. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.


Growing with the Tans Friday Flips
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