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Friday Flips #24: Stacey and the Museums (Plus Giveaway!)

Over the June holidays, I had grand plans to bring Noah to the various museums in Singapore, since there were so many interesting Children’s Season programmes going on. Unfortunately, the holidays whizzed by in a flash, and we didn’t manage to do as many things as I wanted to, because there were just too many fun activities to do. I seriously need to sit down and plan our daily programme for the year-end break, so that I don’t miss anything out! Anyway, we’re doing the next best thing at the moment: reading all about the museums and what they have to offer, until we find time to actually visit them!

I met Lianne Ong, the author of the Stacey and the Museums books, at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content, and she kindly offered to send me copies of her books, since we hadn’t read them yet. For some strange reason, I thought they were for older children (they’re targeted at children aged 3 to 7), but when I read them with Noah, I realised that they are very manageable for preschoolers. In fact, they are a great way to introduce children to the museums, and I personally think that it’s good that we haven’t been to the museums yet, as I can use these books to prepare Noah for his first visit to the three different museums. (Yes, I know the third book is about the Indian Heritage Centre, but I’m lumping it under the museum category with the first two books.)

Noah was, as usual, very excited when he saw the new books. We read them immediately, and over the next few nights, he requested to read “Stacey” before bed. The books aren’t very wordy, and I liked that the information about selected museum exhibits was bite-sized, and presented in simple enough language for young readers. The illustrations pay great attention to detail, and highlight interesting features of each museum and its exhibits. All three books introduced the museums Stacey through characters that came to life from the exhibits or museums, and I’m pretty sure that readers of the books would be on special alert when they visit the museums, hoping to catch a glimpse of them.

New books! Yay!


In Stacey Goes to the National Museum, Stacey gets separated from her mum and Di Di, but ends up getting a tour of the museum from a gibbon! Noah was thrilled to spot the durian painting, since he recently discovered how yummy they are. “Look! Durian! I like durian you know. Delicious!” He was intrigued by the gibbon, and I suspect he’ll expect it to be running around when we visit the National Museum.

Stacey Goes to the National Museum






Admiring the museum’s facade


“Look! Durian! I like durians, you know.”


“The monkey is here!”


In the second book, Stacey Goes to the Peranakan Museum, we are introduced to the unique Peranakan culture, dressing, and vocabulary. Personally, I liked how Mei encouraged Stacey to try on the kebayas, simply by using her imagination, as I believe that children should be encouraged to use their creativity and imagination as much as possible. Noah learnt a little about the Peranakan culture when we went for our Peranakan Experience Staycation at Village Hotel Katong, so I tried to get him to recall what he saw then, and to link it to what Mei was showing Stacey in the book.

Stacey Goes to the Peranakan Museum






Reading about Stacey’s adventure with Mei



Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre is the latest book in the series, and prior to reading the book, I didn’t know there was such a place! The Indian Heritage Centre is very new, and judging from the book, there are quite a few interesting exhibits there. Noah thought it was hilarious that a cow was walking through the museum on its own, and kept asking me why there was a cow there. He is also interested in policemen these days, but he’s used to seeing them dressed in the blue uniform, so he spent some time examining this policeman’s uniform.

Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre






I love buying souvenirs when I visit places of attraction, and my favourite souvenir is usually a book based on the place. In fact, when we visited the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney last year, I got Noah the book based on the Wiggles exhibit in the museum, and he still enjoys reading it till this day, even though he probably doesn’t even remember being there. Books are so much more interesting and useful, compared to a magnet or keychain with the name of the place on it. If you’ve visited these three museums with your children before, the books would serve as excellent souvenirs, as you can use them to discuss what you saw at the museums. If you, like us, haven’t been to the museums yet, the books are a great way to prepare your children on what to expect, and you can get them to look out for the characters in the books.

Happy reading!

Buy the Book Stacey Goes to the National Museum on Armour Publishing Stacey Goes to the Peranakan Museum on Armour Publishing Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre on Armour Publishing

Borrow the Book Stacey Goes to the National Museum / Juvenile Lending Singapore / English ONG / Check for availability here Stacey Goes to the Peranakan Museum / Juvenile Lending Singapore / English ONG / Check for availability here Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre / Juvenile Lending Singapore / English ONG / Check for availability here



We’ve got a copy of all three books to be given away, but do note that the latest book, Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre, has to be collected from Armour Publishing’s showroom in Bukit Merah Central directly.

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway will end on Friday, 31st July 2015, at 2359h, and is open to Singapore residents only. Please note that Stacey Goes to the Indian Heritage Centre has to be collected at Armour Publishing’s showroom in Bukit Merah Central. The other two books will be mailed out directly by me. The winners will be contacted via the particulars provided when entering this giveaway, and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be selected. All incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all entries will be verified before the winner is announced. To be fair to our sponsor, please note that all fake Facebook accounts (accounts set up purely to take part in contests, with no or very few real friends), will be disqualified.


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