As with the other two books in the Change Makers series, ‘The Earth Experiment’ dissects a big issue for young readers, helping children to make sense of what is happening in the world around them.
Climate Change is a very real problem now, but how many of us (yes, adults included) can really say we know everything about it? Hwee Goh explains how and why climate change has occurred over the years, from the discovery of fossil fuels, to other contributing factors such as the greenhouse effect and the excessive use of plastic.
Together with her brilliant illustrator David Liew, Hwee breaks down the issue and makes it accessible for children, helping them to be more aware about climate change, and provides practical ways in which everyone can help the world to reach net zero carbon emissions. Key concepts are explained in the ‘Did You Know?’ and ‘What’s That?’ sections on various pages, while the illustrations provide some comic relief to an otherwise heavy and depressing topic.

‘The Earth Experiment’ brings climate change to life, showing readers how the world has changed, and how life as we know it will be affected if we continue to ignore all the warning signs. This is such an important issue for children to be aware of, as they and their children/grandchildren will be the ones who will suffer the devastating consequences of climate change if nothing is done about it now.
The twins like flipping through the book to look at the illustrations, and while N is amused by the spot-on illustrations, he finds the information quite sad and scary. He read the book over a few sessions, probably because he needed time to digest the information, but I think this is a book that the kids can come back to again, whenever they feel ready to learn more about climate change.
Personally, I always enjoy reading Hwee’s books because I learn so much from them, and I can use them to discuss important issues with my children. The twins don’t quite understand everything of course, and keep asking me “Why?” but I think it is perfectly fine to introduce them to the concepts, and revisit them again whenever the opportunity arises. After all, good books are meant to be reread, and provide you with fresh perspectives at different points in your life.
Happy reading!
Buy the Book ‘The Earth Experiment’ is available at Popular Bookstores, Times Bookstores, Kinokuniya, and Liliewoods Social. It is also available online at the following websites: ‘The Earth Experiment’ on Goguru ‘The Earth Experiment’ on Kinokuniya Online ‘The Earth Experiment’ on Amazon Singapore ‘The Earth Experiment’ on Closetful of Books
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