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Friday Flips #110: Out and About in Singapore (Plus Giveaway!)


We have been back for good in Singapore for slightly more than half a year now, and one thing we really appreciate about being back is that there are so many places to visit with the children. Some of our favourite places include the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, and Singapore Botanic Gardens, so the kids got really excited when they saw those places illustrated in ‘Out and About in Singapore’.

Since we recently visited Chinatown to soak in some of the Chinese New Year atmosphere, I took the opportunity to show the twins the pages about Chinatown as well as Lunar New Year, but all that they cared about was the picture of the lion dance. They did ask if we could make the Chinese lantern, so maybe I’ll work on that with them one day. There are also instructions for a ketupat craft and Deepavali candle holder, and I thought these activities were a great way to make this book more interactive and appealing to younger readers!

N liked the section on the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum best, as he really likes visiting it, and I’m sure the detailed illustrations of the place helped to capture his attention too. I appreciated the short paragraphs of information, not just in this section, but also in the write-ups of the various places of interest featured in this book.

One potential “problem” you may encounter when reading this book with your children is that they’ll ask you to bring them to check out the interesting places that they see in it! N is particularly curious about Pulau Ubin, and I think we’ll probably plan to explore it one day (after the Wuhan virus chaos dies down).

Another interesting feature of this book is the short and simple guide to some Singlish terms. N was most tickled by it, and giggled as he read the terms and examples aloud. These Singlish terms are probably the most common ones, and I always smile when I hear these words being used overseas.

‘Out and About in Singapore’ is filled with interesting facts and realistic illustrations, and brings the readers on a virtual tour of Singapore. The book preserves key details of our heritage, and is a loving tribute to this country that we call home.

Happy reading!

Buy the Book ‘Out and About in Singapore’ is available at Popular Bookstores, Times Bookstores, and Kinokuniya. It is also available online at the following websites: GoGuru Kinokuniya Online

GIVEAWAY! We have a copy of ‘Out and About in Singapore’ to be given to a reader of Growing with the Tans! To participate, please visit our Instagram page for books. Terms and conditions apply.

Terms and Conditions: This giveaway will end on Friday, 7th February 2020, at 2359h, and is open to readers with a Singapore mailing address only. The winner will be contacted via the particulars provided when entering this giveaway, and will have 24 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be selected. All incomplete entries will be disqualified, and all entries will be verified before the winner is announced. To be fair to our sponsor, please note that all fake Instagram accounts (accounts set up purely to take part in contests, with no or very few real posts), will be disqualified.


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