N has been into drawing these days, and when he found this book at the Periplus bookstore in Bali, he begged us to buy it for him, as he wanted to learn how to draw various items. He promised that he would definitely use it, and started drawing with the book when we got back to the Mulia villa in Bali.
His favourite thing to draw so far is the scorpion, and he has been drawing many, MANY scorpions, including a large one for his diorama in school. I was quite sceptical about the effectiveness of the book initially, because I can’t draw well at all and didn’t think following instructions from a book could change that, BUT I actually managed to draw a rather decent manatee! C and I sometimes join N in learning how to draw some things, and it’s quite a fun way to spend time together as a family.

Drawing sharks together
If you and/or your children have trouble drawing animals/insects/cars, I would suggest investing in a personal copy of this book, as it has proven to be quite effective for our family.
Happy drawing!
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