Thanks to the haze, Noah had a day off from school last Friday. I won The Cardboard Box Book from A Happy Mum some time back, but hadn’t gotten round to using it, even though I’ve been hoarding cardboard boxes at home. Noah has been into planes recently, especially after we watched The Way Back Home, so I decided to try making an aeroplane for him.
The Cardboard Box Book

Contents Page

Materials Needed Large cardboard box Some sheets of cardboard Large penknife Scissors Brown tape (I used masking tape instead) Glue Compass OR Two jar lids of different sizes Paint (I used Do-a-Dot markers) Stickers (Optional) Template for dashboard dials (You can make your own if you don’t have the template) Butterfly clip (for steering wheel, which I didn’t make)
Instructions (from The Cardboard Box Book)

Steps 1 to 4 from Car Craft

Step 9 (steering wheel) from Car Craft

Ready to Start

Decorating his Aeroplane

I don’t have many photos of the process, partly because I wasn’t planning to blog about it, but mainly because I was too busy trying to complete the plane as quickly as possible. Noah was really excited, and kept trying to supervise my cutting of the cardboard boxes and sheets, even though I kept reminding him to stay away from me when I was working with the large penknife. I got Noah to decorate the plane with Do-a-Dot Markers and stickers, and although it’s not very pretty, he is very proud of it, so that’s good enough for me.
The cardboard box I had was rather small, so I didn’t make the steering wheel, as there wasn’t enough space (and also because it was too complicated for me). If you look at the instructions, you’d also notice that the plane is meant to be sat in, but because our box was too small, I cut out the bottom, so that Noah could stand in it instead. I think it worked out better this way, since he can carry it and run around in it.
“I love my aeroplane!”

He decorated it with stickers after his nap

Zooming around the house in his plane
Noah is already eyeing the other crafts in the book, and has instructed me to do more online shopping, so that I can get more cardboard boxes to make the other items. I think the next item would probably be the car, since he loves vehicles, but first, I need to get more boxes!
Have fun making your own aeroplane, and do tag @GrowingwiththeTans if you upload photos of your cardboard planes on Instagram!
Buy the Book The Cardboard Box Book from Amazon The Cardboard Box Book from Book Depository
PS. For more activities from The Cardboard Box Book, check out A Happy Mum’s review of the book HERE.
PPS. If you would rather buy a ready-made cardboard vehicle, check out this Convertible Pirate Ship from The Groovy Giraffe. Don’t forget to use GWTT to get an additional 5% off your purchase!
*This post contains affiliate links.
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