We were stuck indoors again yesterday evening thanks to the haze, and Noah suddenly requested that I make him a rocket. I tried making him two out of old toilet rolls and recycled scraps of paper, but after playing with them for less than five minutes, he declared that they were “not fun to play with at all”. Thanks, son, thanks.
The “not fun” rockets I made

I sat down with him to surf Pinterest for ideas, and he immediately asked to make the balloon rocket when he saw the photo of it. I checked out this site, as well as this one, and since it looked pretty easy, we tried it out after dinner.
Materials Needed Twine/string/yarn Straw Balloon Masking tape Two chairs
1. Tie one end of the twine to a chair.

2. Thread the straw through it, and tie the other end of the twine to the other chair.
3. Add a piece or two of masking tape onto the straw, making sure that you leave a large portion of the sticky side of the tape exposed and facing downwards.

4. Blow up a balloon, but leave it untied, and tape it to the straw with the prepared masking tape. Hold the end tightly to prevent the air from escaping.

5. Ensure that the straw is lined up against the edge of the chair, then release the balloon, and watch it shoot to the other end of the twine tied to the other chair.

Noah playing with the DIY Balloon Rocket
This was really simple to set up, and I think it took me less than five minutes to put together. Noah was really entertained by it, and had so much fun playing with it, I think he could have played with it for hours if I let him. It got pretty tiring for me, because I couldn’t blow the balloons up fast enough for him, but if you’ve got a child who is able to blow a balloon by himself, he can entertain himself with this.
Have fun with your DIY Balloon Rockets!
PS. One problem I had was that the balloons I used were of rather poor quality, and they kept bursting after being inflated a couple of times. I think the balloons from Daiso are of pretty good quality, so I’ll probably get those the next time I visit a Daiso.
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