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Christmas 2012

We celebrated Christmas this year on a much smaller scale than usual, but it was no less meaningful than all the previous years. It’s tough to organise or even attend many celebrations with a baby in tow, and we’ve been blessed with very understanding family members and friends, who have organised the gatherings instead and even compromised on the earlier timings that we have requested. No, we aren’t diva parents, but it’s really no fun at all being at a gathering with a crying baby!

We started the day at church, singing Christmas carols and being reminded of the true reason for the season. It’s easy to get carried away by the food and gifts during this period, but Christmas is so much more than that. It still awes me that God would give us such a wonderful gift, His Son, knowing full well that He has to die, in order for us to live. His love for us is truly unfathomable. I was especially touched by this worship song that we sang during the Christmas service and thought it’d be nice to share it here. May it minister to you, as it did me.

When I call on your name you answer When I fall You are there by my side You delivered me out of darkness Now I stand in the hope of new life

By grace I’m free You’ve rescued me All I am is Yours

CHORUS: I’ve found a love greater than life itself I’ve found a hope stronger and nothing compares I once was lost; now I’m alive in You

You’re my God and my firm foundation It is You whom I’ll trust at all times I give glory and praise, adoration To my Saviour who’s seated on high

BRIDGE: Love came down and rescued me I thank You, I thank You I once was blind but now I see I see You, I see You

We’ve been very blessed to have received so many gifts and we are very grateful for all the love showered upon us. We thank God for each and every one of you and pray that He will bless all of you with good health and abundant joy.

Here’s a very happy Noah with all his gifts on Christmas Day!

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