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Adelaide Night Market

The Adelaide Night Market takes place every last Sunday of the month, from Oct 2013 to May 2014, and we were glad that we were able to check it out in November.

We didn’t know what to expect at the Adelaide Night Market, and thought it would be similar to the pasar malams in Singapore, Malaysia, or even Taiwan. I was secretly hoping that it’ll be a variety of stalls selling knick-knacks, so that I could do a bit of shopping, and I suspect C thought it’d be just that, and wasn’t very keen to go.

When we got there, we quickly saw that it was more of a food fest than a shopping haven, which made C very happy. There were so many amazing stalls set up, and we had a hard time trying to decide what to eat. The market isn’t actually very big, so we decided to take a look at all the stalls, before going back to the ones we really wanted to try.

Adelaide Night Market


I’ve never seen how churros are made, so I spent some time watching the man who was making them.

Making Churros


C got the nasi lemak from a Malay stall, while I decided to try the burger from La Chiva, as I saw many people enjoying the burgers. I loved how juicy the patty was, and C said it tasted like an authentic South American burger, even though he has never been to South America. I didn’t enjoy the Yuca chips, as I found them too starchy, but C thought they were pretty good. I think we watch too much Top Chef!

La Chiva


Some of the food stalls 




Live music


Great weather to enjoy the market 



C wanted a photo of himself with Noah at the market, and because I’m hopeless at taking good photos, he took a ‘sample shot’ of me with Noah, told me to study it carefully, then take the exact same shot for him with the baby.

With Mummy


With Daddy 


He told me to make sure that the dustbin wasn’t in his photo, and this was the best I could do, after taking three other shots which he deleted. Oops. C said he’s resigned to not having any nice photos with the baby. I thought it was a pretty good photo, no?

Adelaide Night Market Last Sunday of the month*, Oct 2013 to May 2014, 4-8pm North Terrace, between Kintore Ave & King William Road

*The next Adelaide Night Market will be on the 15th of December 2013, instead of the 29th.

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