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Adelaide Christmas Pageant

The Credit Union Christmas Pageant is held annually in Adelaide, and this year, we were fortunate enough to have caught part of it.

Initially, I was worried that we would miss it, as the pageant started at 930am, and for the past week, that had been the little boy’s wake-up time. However, he decided to wake up at 630am today, and refused to go back to sleep, choosing to bounce on the bed, and to say ‘hi’ repeatedly.

I had read online that people actually started lining the streets at 430am, but we decided to head out much later, as it was quite a cold day. Our plan was to catch as much of the pageant as possible, because we knew that Noah wasn’t going to be able to sit through the entire thing, especially after waking up so early.

Beautiful day for the pageant 


Many people came armed with chairs and picnic mats, while others came on bicycles.

Interesting bicycle


There were plenty of children happily drawing on the roads and sidewalks with chalk, as they waited for the pageant to begin.

Doodling happily




Noah was quite fascinated by them, and watched them for quite some time. I told him to look at the beautiful fish, and the little artist came up to me to inform me that ‘it’s not a fish, it’s a butterfly!’. Oops.

Not a fish.


Because we got there too late, Noah had to be hoisted up onto C’s shoulders, so that he could actually see what was going on. It was his first time riding on C’s shoulders, and we were both very worried that he would fall off, as he didn’t seem to know how to hold on to C at all.

Noah on C’s shoulders


Clearly bored and looking for white hair


Horses leading the way


Some of the floats and bands






Watching intently for a few seconds 


To be honest, I think the first few floats were a little less interesting. Yes, there was a Star Wars inspired one, and I liked the Alice in Wonderland one, which we didn’t manage to get a photo of, but the main highlight of the pageant would definitely be the one with Father Christmas, which was the last float. Unfortunately, Noah started getting fussy way before it came around, so we had to head back to our apartment. Guess we’ll have to see Father Christmas another day instead!

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